Ask Doctor Death
Hospice physician Dr. Karen Wyatt and end-of-life educator Dr. Terri Daniel answer your questions about death, dying and bereavement in this bold new podcast where no subject is too sensitive or too taboo! Special guests include a wide range of experts, from hospice nurses and funeral directors to scientists and shamans.
Do you have a question for Doctor Death? Email us with your question, and we'll discuss it on the show!
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Ask Doctor Death is a creation of the Conference on Death, Grief and Belief. Visit us at www.deathgriefandbelief.com
Do you have a question for Doctor Death? Email us with your question, and we'll discuss it on the show!
Stay informed! SUBSCRIBE to our newsletter!
Ask Doctor Death is a creation of the Conference on Death, Grief and Belief. Visit us at www.deathgriefandbelief.com
Podcasting since 2020 • 45 episodes
Ask Doctor Death
Latest Episodes
EP 43: Barbara Karnes RN
Barbara Karnes, RN is an award winning end of life educator, award winning nurse, NHPCO Hospice Innovator award winner 2018 & 2015 International Humanitarian Woman of the Year....

EP 42: Life with Ghosts: After-Death Communication and Continuing Bonds with the Deceased
Today's interview with writer/director/producer Stephen Z. Berkley touches on a vast spectrum of topics related to interdimensional communication, mediumship and bereavement, as addressed in his award-winning documentary,

EP 41: Dr. Christopher Kerr - Dreams and Visions of the Dying
Ever since his 2015 TED talk, Christopher Kerr MD had rapidly risen to become a household name in the field of death and afterlife studies. His background in research has ev...