Ask Doctor Death
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Ask Doctor Death is a creation of the Conference on Death, Grief and Belief. Visit us at www.deathgriefandbelief.com
Ask Doctor Death
EP 41: Dr. Christopher Kerr - Dreams and Visions of the Dying
Ever since his 2015 TED talk, Christopher Kerr MD had rapidly risen to become a household name in the field of death and afterlife studies. His background in research has evolved from bench science towards the human experience of illness as witnessed from the bedside, specifically patient’s dreams and visions at the end of life. The results of his studies generated enormous response in the non-medical community, both nationally and internationally, through coverage that has included the New York Times, Huffington Post, The Atlantic, BBC, Scientific American and Psychology Today.
Dr. Kerr has overseen the integration and expansion of palliative care into local hospitals and developed one of the nation’s largest home-based palliative care programs, Home Connections, and Essential Care for Children. He has lectured and published on innovative program models that are designed to better align patient/family services to the complexity of needs inherent to advanced illness. Learn more about Dr. Kerr at DrChristopherKerr.com.
Read Dr. Kerr's extraordinary research HERE.
He will be one of our honored speakers at the upcoming
online August 24, 2024.