Ask Doctor Death
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Ask Doctor Death is a creation of the Conference on Death, Grief and Belief. Visit us at www.deathgriefandbelief.com
Ask Doctor Death
EP 29: There Are No Stages of Grief - BONUS EPISODE
Hello friends!
In preparation for a training program I'm designing for a local hospice, I've decided to record this commentary on the "stage theory" of grief so that this information can be easily accessible to students. It's a short episode, and it's loaded with important information for anybody who works professionally with bereavement, or for any bereaved person who wants to better understand the mourning process.
Here are some of the supportive materials I mentioned in the podcast. Perhaps the most important -- and most relevant to this conversation -- is the first one, Stroebe & Schut's discussion about the stages of grief:
. Bereaved Persons Misguided Through the Stages of Grief
. Therese Rando’s “Six Rs of Mourning”
. William Worden’s “Tasks of Mourning.”